Geregistreerd op: 16 Mei 2019 Berichten: 27
Geplaatst: 21-05-2019 04:48:35 Onderwerp: Each and every human being is born with the ability to astra |
Each and every human being is born with the ability to astral project. The only difference between those who can astral project at will and those who cannot is practice.
Astral projection is a practice with a long history Nike Air Force 1 High Homme Pas Cher , just like meditation or yoga. There are many different names which astral projection is known as and there are many different ways to astral project.
One of these methods is lucid dreaming. This is something you probably already know something about. This, of course is when you are able to control your dreams because you are conscious and in full control of your faculties in the dream. You can begin lucid dreaming by telling yourself “I am dreaming” while you are in a dream.
Once you have done this, you will begin to be able to take control of your dream. However Nike Air Force 1 High Pas Cher , until this technique is mastered (which can take a while), this can be too unreliable of a way to astral project.
Astral projection is something you have done before, although you may not realize that you have done so.
One example is the dreams which you may wake up from remembering each and every detail. These were actually experiences of astral projection.
The key element to astral projection is to know that you can do it. This will help erase any fears or doubts that you may have that could be keeping you from being able to astral project.
Learn some good meditation and relaxation techniques; these will make it easier for you to astral project. Meditation will get your mind and body ready for the experience of astral projection. Start practicing relaxation and meditation routines you like to get prepared.
One simple way to meditate is sitting in a comfortable spot in a quiet room free of distractions. Get comfortable and clear your mind of all thoughts.
Focus on your breathing and make it deep and slow. Let your troubles leave your mind through your mouth as you breathe out. This will allow you to reach the relaxed state perfect for astral projection.
Now is the point where you need to reach an altered state of consciousness. You need to focus not only on your breathing but the way you are breathing.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. As breathing becomes slower and deepens Nike Air Force 1 Just Do It Blanche Pas Cher , focus on your body and relaxing it.
Begin with your toes and move on up your body telling each part to relax. When you breathe out, tell each part of your body to relax. You can also tense the muscles up first and then relax them, whichever works best for you.
The best way to describe what you are going to feel is ‘heavy’ it is going to feel as though all of the energy and tension is slipping away from each part of your body. You will know it when it happens. Once you have relaxed each part of your body it is time for you to move to the next step that is going to help you astral project.
The next step Nike Air Force 1 Just Do It Pas Cher , sleep. You have prepared your mind and body for s deep sleep, but remember to stay alert and relaxed. Come up with your own phrase such as ‘I fly, I fly’ there is no wrong motto Nike Air Force 1 07 LV8 Utility Pas Cher , so find one that you are comfortable with.
When our minds have nothing else to do, they tend to wander – and this can spoil the concentration you need to astral project. Keep repeating your phrase to stay focused.
To reach the state of altered consciousness you can use the phrase you chose or another way. The body of light method involves picturing an area of light that you will change into. Picture the light in your mind and imagine yourself going into it and becoming a part of it.
There are three feelings you are going to experience that will help you know that your astral body is going. First you are going to feel as though you are moving, then you are going to ‘see’ lights and colors infront of your eyes (remember that your eyes are closed) this is simply the astral body moving into the astral world.
Finally Nike Air Force 1 07 Femme Pas Cher , you’ll hear voices urging you either to continue or to stop what you are doing – this is a surefire sign that you have managed to astral project.
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